Your Challenges, Spanish Solutions—Call Us Today!

Request Spoken Interpretation

Whatever your venue, medium or
setting, say it in the languages of your participants! We are here to help.

Rent Simultaneous Interpreting (SI) Equipment

Need affordable, portable and ultra-light interpreting equipment tailored to fit any room size and accommodate complex language requirements? We got you covered!

Request Written Translation

If Real-time and On-site are the names of the game, or business with a regional touch, let us know and we will use our spice!

Buy Equipment

If you host an annual Conference or more events per year, It’s high time you own your gear! Tech support is on us.

Reach Out for the Perfect Language Solution Tailored to You

Our CEO...

See our CEO at work...

Heads of State, entrepreneurs, doctors, TV hosts and rock stars have one thing in common: they express themselves best in their native language.

Simultaneous Interpreting Equipment for Rent or Sale

2. Receiver e1451797087918

Digital Wireless RF Receiver

Check our new FM Receivers with retractable earbuds and forget about tangled cables!
3. Microphone systems 3 to 4 units

Microphone Systems

Let everybody talk! Our microphone systems allow up to 15 Delegate Mics and 1 Chairman Mic.

Portable & Stationary Transmitters

Whether on the move or inside a booth, we have the best RF equipment to transmit your interpreters’ voice to the target audience.

Upcoming Events

Bahía de Santander, en el municipio de Ribamontán al Mar

Encuentro Anual de ASETRAD

Friday, March 28, 2025 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM: Visit to the Bahía de Santander winery (located in the municipality of Ribamontán al Mar) with wine tasting and "sobao" (traditional Cantabrian cake) tasting. You can find all the information here. 9:00 PM (to be confirmed): Dinner organized by the local

Hotel Radisson (4th Floor),Montevideo, Uruguay

3rd Translation and Interpretation International Conference

The Colegio de Traductores Públicos del Uruguay (CTPU) celebrates its 75th. anniversary, and it has organized the third edition of these presentations for interpreters and translators around the topic change without leaving behind the essential values and characteristics of these two professions. The event will take place in beautiful Montevideo.


AIIC PRIMS Summer Meeting

PRIMS is the Private Market Sector of the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC). It meets twice a year in different places to address matters relevant to those who interpret in the private sector. The venue has not been officially announced, but it will likely be in The Netherlands, and

Palais Rouge, Jerónimo Salguero 1441, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

First Latin American and Caribbean Sign Language Interpreters Conference

This will be the first time this event, that assembles Sign Language interpreters from most countries in the Americas is held. The Conferencia Latinoamericana y del Caribeña de Traductores, Intérpretes y Guías Intérpretes de Lenguas de Señas will gather professionals, students, and people from academia in an exchange of knowledge,

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), 34, chemin des Colombettes, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland

International Federation of Translators (FIT) XXIII World Congress

This is an excellent event to attend for several reasons: It is an international meeting of professionals who live all over the world. There are other big events where interpreters and translators from many countries get together, but most live in the United States, the United Kingdom, or another country

Polifórum Carlos Martínez Balmori

11vo Encuentro Internacional de Traductores dentro de la Feria Universitaria del Libro (FUL)

I have attended this conference from its inception; it is bigger and better every year, and it should be even better this time as they are celebrating their eleventh anniversary.  The conference is held at the Autonomous University of Hidalgo State’s Poliforum at Carlos Martínez Balmori Campus, and the guest

What Our Client Says

tab team1
Sarah M. Operations Director

Working with Spanish Solutions has been amazing. They have helped us with high profile customers for general sessions as well as translated marketing materials for us in a 24 hours! We love working with Spanish Solutions!

team 8
John D. Facilities Manager

Spanish Solutions has specially trained staff members who are familiar with military acronyms and terminology and require little to no additional assistance in helping understanding the content of the material presented.

We are a global Company